OSBS notes

Fedora’s Openshift Build System


Rebuild of container buildroot

$ docker build -t buildroot --rm --no-cache /etc/osbs/buildroot

Update packages on target using ansible

$ ansible $target -m package -a "name=koji-containerbuild state=latest"

Check for build running in openshift

$ oc login
$ oc status
$ oc -n osbs-fedora describe build <my-build>

Get builds for a namespace

$ oc -n namespace get build

Cancel a build

$ oc -n namespace cancel-build <my-build>

Clean old builds

$ oc adm prune builds --keep-complete=2 --keep-failed=1 --keep-younger-than=24h0m0s --orphans --confirm

Docker insecure-registry : To add the insecure registry need to edit the /etc/sysconfig/docker and modify the OPTIONS parameter

historical bugzilla FLIBS